October 25, 2024
Gospel City Family, we are 10 days away from November 5, which is election day for America.
FIRST, I want to remind you of some of the things that I said in my sermon on August 18, 2024. You can go back and listen to that sermon here:
What I did say in that sermon that is helpful for our upcoming election day is –
“It’s true we should do what we can to influence toward righteousness in our country — so since we have a vote we should:
- Pray
- Do actual research (meaning learn about the policies and platforms)
- BUT more importantly, you need to live like a citizen of heaven, carrying the distinctives of Christ, contrasting this culture with the love that can only come from God.”
Jeremiah 29:7 says, “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” Very few people in the world have an opportunity to influence their governments leaders. You do! One small way that you can seek the welfare of your city is to cast a vote (which means “make a choice”) for the options that we have. The perfect options don’t exist! We’re thankfully not voting for pastors, role models, or spiritual advisors. Under the sovereignty of God, we have two very flawed individuals, representing imperfect policies and systems, and in the country God has placed you, part of seeking its welfare is casting a vote for the options that are available. The Holy Spirit will help you discern, if you’ll do the four things I suggested above.
SECONDLY, if you’re ever interested in where our church stands, or where I stand on any theological issues that have made their way into the political realm, I would encourage you to go back to our Genesis 1-11 series. I aim for my stances and beliefs on everything to come from the Bible, not politicians or culture. I perceive that the two hottest theological topics affecting this election are life and sexuality. Perhaps these messages will give you a biblical framework to compare with the policies of the two different parties we have to choose from:
THIRDLY, I was ministered to by this podcast from OneCry, where Byron Paulus (a faithful Gospel City attender) interviews Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Particularly, Dr. Lutzer’s prayer at the close is helpful for the posture that we as believers can take as election day comes and goes. There is also some humble and pastoral advice that was helpful to me, and maybe it will help you.
FINALLY, I leave you with our greatest hope from Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23. Particularly, Paul proclaims that after Jesus rose from the dead, the Father seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put ALL THINGS under his feet and gave him as the head over ALL THINGS to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. THIS CHRIST will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself (Philippians 3:21).
You Are Loved!
—Pastor Micah