Life at Gospel City Church goes beyond weekend worship. It’s about ministering to our families, our communities, and each other. There’s so much happening here—we want to make it easy for you to meet people and get connected to the church body. There’s no better time than now to take your next step here at our church.


We’d love to say “hi” and answer any questions you may have about Gospel City Church. If you’re joining us for a Sunday Gathering, stop by the “Meet & Greet” area in the lobby. Some pastors, elders and other friendly people would love to connect with you and answer any questions you may have.


Let’s get to know each other! At our Consider Social, you’ll have an opportunity to meet Pastor Micah along with other pastors and members of the Gospel City Church staff. We’ll spend some time sharing about the mission, vision, and culture of Gospel City Church and share some next steps you can take to grow in Christ here at our church.

Some hors d’oeuvres and refreshments will be served. There will be some light programming, followed by a time for you to meet with various staff. While we won’t have childcare, your family is welcome to attend with you.

Our next Consider Social will be Sunday, January 12 from 6-7pm in the church lobby. Please RSVP so that we can properly prepare for you.


Learn how we follow Christ and the mission He has given us in this 4-week membership class. Each class session runs about an hour and takes place during our 8:30am Sunday morning gatherings. It is designed to help you learn what it means to Glorify, Gather, Grow and Go at Gospel City Church.

Our next session of Commit Membership Classes will be held from January 19 – February 9, 2025.