Bible Studies at Gospel City Church
Our study of 1 & 2 Peter begins January 15. Register today!
Bible Studies are 11-weeks in length and take place in Fall (Early Sept-Late Nov) and Winter/Spring (Early Jan-Late Mar) semesters. Participants will learn the Bible through personal study, group discussion, and authoritative teaching time. Through a line-by-line study of a specific passage of Scripture, our Bible Studies cultivate both biblical literacy and rich community in the context of active, dedicated learning environments. Each semester, both men and women will meet in single-gender spaces for teaching, but will study the same passage/book of the Bible.
Study Details
Duration: 11-week study
Dates: Wednesdays, January 15 – March 26
Passage/Book: 1 & 2 Peter
Materials: Study participants will be provided with a workbook to aid in their personal study in the Word. An ESV Study Bible is also highly recommended (available for purchase at the Resource Center)
Personal Expectations: Participants should expect to spend about 1-1.5 hours of study on their own each week.
Cost: $10
To see a sample chapter of a previous Bible Study, click below:
Men’s Options
Times: 6am – 7:30am
Location: Gospel City Church, Lobby Commons
Childcare?: No, childcare is not available during the AM session
Women’s Options
Times: 9am – 10:30am
Location: Gospel City Church, Lobby Commons
Childcare?: Childcare is offered during the AM session, but is limited to availability
Times: 7pm – 8:30pm
Location: Gospel City Church, Lobby Commons
Childcare?: No, childcare is not available during the PM session