May 1, 2020 Update

Gospel City family, 

On Friday, May 1, Governor Holcombe released the state’s guidelines for reopening Indiana. We’re sorting through the recommendations and their impact on churches, especially our church! (Also, we want to listen to what our local authorities are recommending, as they may be different than state guidelines.) 

Here is what we know: For the next few weeks, per the guidelines and our leadership, we will continue to gather ONLINE for Sunday worship. 

We do expect that small groups should start being able to meet in person on May 11! 

Other on campus gatherings — for Granger, Elkhart, and our South Bend plant — remain suspended for now until we know a bit more.

Meanwhile, we will remain principled in our response in everything we do in this season: 

  • We will be good citizens—paying attention to federal, state and local governing authorities; 
  • We will be loving and charitable to each other—assuming the best of one another’s personal convictions regarding safety and what’s best next;
  • We will be communicating frequently what we know—and don’t;
  • We will be eager to gather when we can ensure the safety of our staff and congregation—and modeling excellence in how to do it well;
  • We will live our mission—we will glorify God and make disciples — no matter what.

Gospel City: GOD IS AT WORK! We keep hearing how He is changing lives, deconstructing our idols, giving us a hunger for Him, and His Word, a deeper love for each other, and MANY are engaging our neighbors like never before.