The call to come away with Jesus is not a new concept. Jesus modeled it through His ministry—spending mornings away with the Father. He taught the disciples how to seek God in prayer and gave us a very clear picture of what it looks like to abide with him in John 15.

From the beginning of time, humanity’s interaction with life started with rest. Yet we find it so hard to stop, to slow down. Even in the most recent year of forced stuckness, we still find ourselves striving and doing and accomplishing. Some of it is our individual personalities reaching for status, or simply feeling like we’ve contributed. That’s not bad in itself, God has made us to flourish. He is pleased when we do and create and succeed…but I think he wants us to remember that He has no need for our toiling. He doesn’t need any of our busywork. What he wants for us more than anything is to learn how to fully delight in Him. Abide with Him. Just stop and take Him in.

This Personal Retreat Kit is meant to give you some loose structure around an intentional weekend of doing just this—Stopping. Abiding. Taking Him in.

If you would like to make your retreat a little extra special, we have the schedule and 5 practices printed on beautiful 5×7 postcards. If you’d like a set, email

“Retreat in a Box” Also Available
For an enhanced experience, purchase our “Retreat in a Box” for $18. Each box includes the guided retreat practices on beautifully designed postcards, a copy of A Gospel Primer, some retreat essentials and a few goodies.