. Making Harvest My Home Called Out and Sent In Trent Griffith | March 14, 2010 Pillar #4: Sharing the goodness of Jesus with boldness Trent Griffith | March 7, 2010 Pillar #3: Believing firmly in the power of Prayer Trent Griffith | February 28, 2010 Pillar #2: Lifting High the Name of Jesus in Worship Trent Griffith | February 21, 2010 Pillar #1: Authority of the Word of God Trent Griffith | February 14, 2010 Unity in the Church Eric Posteluk | February 7, 2010 The Problem with Rolling Stone Christians Trent Griffith | January 31, 2010 Devoted to the Church God Loves Trent Griffith | January 24, 2010 Make Yourself at Home Trent Griffith | January 17, 2010