Rick Wallace
Lay Elder
At Gospel City Church Since: Spring 2012
Email: rick.wallace3817@gmail.com
Rick met Linda at Miami Christian College and were married in May of 1977. They have three kids, Jessica, Joshua and Jared. They are also blessed to have 9 grand-kids.
Rick currently is an account manager for Office Interiors as his everyday job. He is currently serving as the Elder Board Chairman, and as part of this group of men are responsible for the doctrine, direction and care of our church. He serves as a flock leader, helping train and care for small group leaders. He also loves serving as a small group leader. Linda serves as one of our Biblical Soul Counselors.
Rick’s greatest desire for Gospel City Church is that it remains true to it’s four pillars, is always focused on reaching the lost, raising up disciples, and bringing love and truth to the hurting, all for the glory of God.
Rick loves spending time with his grand-children, hiking with Linda and their golden retriever Maverick, and board games with friends and family.