Our Story
Our story began with a group of 13 people who shared a vision for a new church in Granger that would present God’s truth in a contemporary yet unapologetic way—a church that would create quality disciples of Jesus Christ, not just casual admirers.
In the summer of 2008, Trent Griffith was appointed Senior Pastor and the core group grew to about 80 faith-filled people. On February 9, 2009, Gospel City Church (then called “Harvest Bible Chapel”) held its first worship service, attended by 250 people, at Northpoint Elementary School.
Over the next three years, the church doubled in attendance as the need for a permanent facility became evident. In February of 2012, God provided us a permanent home through the adoption of Cornerstone Community Church and its facility on Hickory Road. We have since added on to the facility two times, including an entire kids ministry wing. The Lord continues to bless our church with new faces and new disciples, as we seek to bring him glory.
Today, Jesus is making good on a promise He made, recorded in Matthew 16:18: “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” We have had front row seats to watch as He has built His church. And we believe He is just getting started.
If your desire is to be part of something bigger than yourself, to be in a place where you will be challenged to grow spiritually, and to use your life to make an eternal impact on the world around you, then you may just become part of our story, too!
The Lord is at work in our church, and as we seek to faithfully uphold His word, and be unashamed in our worship, we believe God is just getting started!