Congregational Update | From the Elders
February 7, 2022 UpdateDear church family,
In January, the Moody Bible Institute extended an unexpected call to Pastor Wes Ward to become their next head of Moody Radio (Chicago, IL). This is no small request or task—it’s an exciting call, but also bittersweet. Through prayer with Carrie and his family—and through a confirming process with the elders—Wes has accepted that call. As of today, Wes Ward is the new Vice President of Moody Radio.
We all see that Wes is uniquely fitted to do this gospel work. We (and he) want you to know that this wasn’t something he was seeking. He’s been busy at work using his gifts, leadership and experience here at Gospel City in many ways.
As you know, we have the value of living sent and want to have eyes open to where God might lead any one of us. We desire to continue being a sending church and making disciples who are called out from this place to have a gospel impact. We are excited for how God will use Wes at Moody Radio in advancing the gospel message so that it reaches many more people.
We are so grateful for the giftedness of Wes. He has led well and helped us in many ways, and will continue to do so. Wes loves Gospel City Church. In God’s kindness, Wes and his family do not have to relocate for this new role. They plan to remain active members of Gospel City! Wes has been a faithful shepherd on the elder team and will continue on as one.
The beauty of his family still being a part of our body is that we still have his friendship with us and our staff—that is not going away. Though Wes will have new Gospel responsibilities, he will continue serving our church as the Lord enables. Moody loves the local church and they don’t want Gospel City to be hurt in this transition. So, part of his assignment from Moody is to help Gospel City do well.
As you see Wes and his family, congratulate him and pray for him as he takes this step into new Gospel opportunities. To read more about Wes’ new role at Moody Radio, you can read their press release HERE.
Additionally, within the next couple of weeks, we plan to share with you our job description for lead pastor of Gospel City Church, along with our candidacy process. We are a church led by a plurality of elders and pastors. We lean on each of these men for different kinds of spiritual giftings. The lead pastor will help us all with things like being a first among equals, providing spiritual leadership, being our primary preacher and managing the preaching team, as well as shepherding what happens here on Sundays. More on that in a few weeks—stay tuned!
You are loved!
The elders of Gospel City Church